K-5 Curriculum
Eureka Math - A curriculum that sequences mathematical progressions helping students build their math knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the why behind the numbers.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Fundations/Just Words Wilson Language Programs - Fundations is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program for students in grades K-3. Just Words is a highly explicit, multisensory decoding and spelling program for students in grades 4 and up.
Guided Reading - During guided reading the teacher provides small-group instruction that supports each reader’s development of their systems of strategic actions for processing new texts at increasingly challenging levels of difficulty. In guided reading teaching is responsive to the individual student’s strengths and needs.
Novel Studies - A novel study allows students to develop their reading comprehension and thinking skills through the usage of high-quality literature. It provides students with an opportunity to practice and refine their skills related to the standards in an engaging format.
Core Knowledge Language Arts - CKLA sequences deep content knowledge with research-based foundational skills.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
STEMscopes Science - A digital curriculum that incorporates hands-on kits to promote inquiry and excitement as students engage in real-world scientific connections. (4-5)
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Performing Arts
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Responsive Classroom
Responsive Classroom is a student-centered, social, and emotional learning approach to teaching and discipline. It consists of a set of research- and evidence-based practices designed to create safe, joyful, and engaging classroom and school communities for both students and teachers.
Schools and teachers that adopt the Responsive Classroom approach focus on:
Creating optimal learning conditions for students to develop the academic, social, and emotional skills needed for success in and out of school.
Building positive school and classroom communities where students learn, behave, and achieve goals.
The Four Key Domains of the Responsive Classroom Approach are:
Engaging Academics
Positive Community
Effective Management
Developmental Awareness.

Our students begin each day with either a Morning Meeting or an Advisory Meeting.
Morning Meeting (K-5)- Responsive classroom morning meeting is an engaging way to start each day, build a strong sense of community, and set children up for success socially and academically.
Advisory Meeting (Middle School)- Responsive Advisory Meeting provides a space and structure for teachers to support middle school students, both individually and as a group, as they develop their sense of self and identity in connection to their relationships with peers.
K-3 Reading
mCLASS Dibels 8 Literacy Assessment - This is a tacher-administered assessment that provides universal literacy screening, screening for dyslexia, and progress monitoring. When educators observe and document the behaviors of students as they read, they gather detailed data to determine not only risk, but also specific instructional needs.
K-3 Math
IXL Real-Time Diagnostic - IXL is a personalized learning platform designed to help students build academic skills. The IXL Real-Time Diagnostic tool assesses students across the curriculum and delivers up-to-the-minute insights on their grade-level proficiency in math. Using these insights, IXL creates personalized action plans that guide every learner to the exact skills that they need to demonstrate academic growth.
K-2 Reading, Writing, Math
Benchmark assessments are created based on a list of learning standards that the students are working on during the school year. The assessments are meant to track whether students (individually or as a group) are effectively learning the designated standards.
3-8 Reading, Math, Science
NC Check-Ins are interim assessment aligned to North Carolina grade-level content standards, developed by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (NCDPI). The main purpose of NC Check-Ins is to provide students, teachers, parents, and stakeholders with immediate in-depth action-data and a reliable estimate of students' current performance on the selected sub-set of content standards.
4-8 Reading, Math, Science, Language Usage
NWEA Map - The NWEA MAP Test (Measures of Academic Progress) is an adaptive achievement and growth test. It creates a personalized assessment by adapting to each student's learning level and measuring progress and growth for each individual student.
Remediation and Enrichment Programs
K-5 Reading
mCLASS DIBELS 8 - North Carolina's Department of Instruction (DPI) selected mCLASS DIBELS 8 as the state's K-3 Literacy program. This is an integrated literacy system based on the Science of Reading. mCLASS aligns all core curriculum, instruction, and assessments and provides appropriate individualized literacy interventions to address difficulty with reading development.
K-8 Math
IXL Math - The IXL platform is a personalized digital learning program that helps students build a deep understanding of math. IXL Math promotes rigor by introducing conceptual understanding, then practicing procedural fluency, and challenging students to tackle problems with real-world applications. This program aligns with NC State standards and prepares learners for the rigor of standardized tests.

Resources for Parents & Students
The significant relationship between parent involvement and student achievement is well documented. Research shows that when parents are involved with their children’s education, students earn better grades, score higher on standardized tests, have better attendance records and show a more positive attitude toward school.
Being involved in your child’s education is as easy as ABC.
Make sure your child attends school every day on time and that your child completes his or her homework every day.
Attend parent-teacher conferences and workshops whenever possible in order to help your child learn.
Make sure your child reads for 20 to 30 minutes every day. Your child can read aloud, be read to, or read to him or herself.
Contact teachers or staff when you are concerned or have a question about your child.
Provide study space, reading and math materials and learning opportunities for your child.
Volunteer in your child’s class or school when possible.
Please click below to learn more about DCA's academic program and for additional academic resources.
Eureka Math
Fundations/Just Words Wilson Language Programs
Core Knowledge Language Arts
STEMscopes Science
Standards Based Instruction
mCLASS Dibels 8 Literacy Assessment
IXL Real-Time Diagnostic
NC Check-Ins
6-8 Curriculum
Eureka Math - A curriculum that sequences mathematical progressions helping students build their math knowledge and gain a deeper understanding of the why behind the numbers.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Fundations/Just Words Wilson Language Programs - Fundations is a multisensory and systematic phonics, spelling, and handwriting program for students in grades K-3. Just Words is a highly explicit, multisensory decoding and spelling program for students in grades 4 and up.
Guided Reading - During guided reading the teacher provides small-group instruction that supports each reader’s development of their systems of strategic actions for processing new texts at increasingly challenging levels of difficulty. In guided reading teaching is responsive to the individual student’s strengths and needs.
Novel Studies - A novel study allows students to develop their reading comprehension and thinking skills through the usage of high-quality literature. It provides students with an opportunity to practice and refine their skills related to the standards in an engaging format.
Core Knowledge Language Arts - CKLA sequences deep content knowledge with research-based foundational skills.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
STEMscopes Science - A digital curriculum that incorporates hands-on kits to promote inquiry and excitement as students engage in real-world scientific connections. (4-5)
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Performing Arts
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.
Standards Based Instruction - Standards-based instruction is focused on student mastery of a defined set of standards. It is an ongoing teaching and learning cycle that ensures all students have opportunities to maximize their learning.